Parking Guidance System

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Car parking sensor system which offers effective technical support to increase the utilization rate of car park, enhance operator economic performance, improve urban traffic condition and reduce the time of searching parking lot.

Parking Guidance System Projects

Otopark Yönlendirme Sensörü

Ultrasonic Detector

Install ultrasonic detector right above every parking space to collect the real-time parking space information through the principle of ultrasonic, measuring the distance and transmit its feedback to led indicator and node controllers through RS-485.

Otopark Yönlendirme Led İndikatör

LED Indicator

Install LED Indicator in the front of every parking space to display the current parking space status. When the indicator displays green, it means the parking space is available, when the indicator displays red, it signifies it is occupied.

Otopark Yönlendirme Alan Ünitesi

Node Controller(ZCU)

The node controller(ZCU) is the middle layer of ultrasonic parking detector, which is to manage a group of ultrasonic detectors, detects then loops the information of the detectors and send the relevant information to central controller. One node controller can support 60 detectors in max.

Otopark Yönlendirme Ana Kontrol Ünitesi

Central Controller(CCU)

Central controller(CCU), the core of the whole system, is mainly responsible for the collection of parking information and datas processing of the whole carpark. Then send the feedback of the processed result to LED display to show carport information. The general Edition does not have the data storage function, thus the need to connect to the server and install the parking guidance system software.

Otopark Yönlendirme Led Displayler

LED Displays

Receive the carport information from central controller(CCU) and display the amount of the available lots currently in terms of number and word and can be used 24hours a day. Internal procedure can be revised at any time according to the demands of the users,displaying other needed information.

Otopark Otomasyon Yazılımı

Parking Guidance System Management Software

Map of the parking space is embeded in the software, which can directly reflect the usage situation of the carpark in real time. The operators can monitor the carpark situation according to the electronic map. As for the wrongly parked vehicles, the system supports manual rewriting its parking spaces to adjust the real occupied situation of the parking space.

otopark-yonlendirme-sistemi-yazilimiParking Guidance System Management Software

Electronic map of the parking space is embeded in the software, which can directly reflect the usage situation of the carpark in real time. The operators can monitor the carpark situation according to the electronic map. As for the wrongly parked vehicles, the system supports manual rewriting its parking spaces to adjust the real occupied situation of the parking space.


 The map of the parking system is embeded in the software, which can directly reflect the usage situation of the carpark in real time. The operators can monitor the parking situation according to the map.

As for the wrongly parked vehicles, the system supports manual rewriting its parking spaces to adjust the real occupied situation of the parking space.

 The operators can monitor the carpark situation on mobile enviroment.


Projeye göre sensör data ve besleme hatlarının taşınacağı rijid veya emt boruların , yerine göre tavaların otopark tavanına montajı yapılır.

Sensörleri seri olarak alan ünitelerine bağlayan , data ve besleme hatlarını barındıran CAT6 kabloları kanalların içerisine döşenir. Alan ünitelerinin merkezi kontrol ünitesine bağlanyan kablolama yapılır.

Sensörler adreslendikten sonra hazırlanmış olan emt veya rijid borulara buatlar aracılığı ile monte edilir. Sensörler CAT6 kabloları ile ana hattaki patchlere bağlanır.

Kontrol ünitelerinin enerji hatları çekilir ve sensörler kontrol üniteleri üzerinden beslenir. Sensörlerin ve kontrol ünitelerinin bir birine bağlanmasından sonra alan testleri yapılır. Alan kontrol üniteleri en son olarak ana kontrol cihazına bağlanır.